About Shamanic Healing

What is a Shaman?

Throughout history, Shamans were the medicine men and women of their communities. Some say Shamanism dates back 20,000 or 40,000 years, while others say even longer. It has been practiced on every continent. The word Shaman means “to know” or “to see.” Shamans see energy and tap into the energy field of an individual, community, the earth, and beyond. Put in modern scientific terms, they tap into the unified field, divine matrix, or quantum field. Shamans understand that the energy field directly influences how we think and feel, our physical health, and how we create our experiences and realities. This energy field is in everything and connects us all.

What is a Shaman?

Throughout history, Shamans were the medicine men and women of their communities. Some say Shamanism dates back 20,000 or 40,000 years, while others say even longer. It has been practiced on every continent. The word Shaman means “to know” or “to see.” Shamans see energy and tap into the energy field of an individual, community, the earth, and beyond. Put in modern scientific terms, they tap into the unified field, divine matrix, or quantum field. Shamans understand that the energy field directly influences how we think and feel, our physical health, and how we create our experiences and realities. This energy field is in everything and connects us all.

What do Shamans do?

People typically seek the help of a shaman when something in their lives causes them to be off balance. This is usually due to an accumulation of heavy energy due to false beliefs, traumas, or a significant life experience. The lack of balance or “Hucha” (Quechua word for heavy energy) can show up as a physical illness, mental health issues, relationship or family issues, loss of direction or passion for life, etc. Shamans treat all levels: the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual aspects of the person seeking their assistance. They look at and address the root cause for your symptoms and restore you back into alignment or balance “Ayni.”

What is a journey?

Like a guided meditation, a journey is a guided experience by a Shaman. You can journey to a number of things: a younger or older version of yourself, a power animal, a place, etc. to receive information you need in the present from a different perspective. This is done with a drum, rattle, or soft music, to bring you to a more relaxed state of mind.

The information you receive can be used in a number of ways. For example, if you journey to your 5-year-old self, the message could be to remember to be more playful in your current life. Journeying is an excellent method for restoring peace and harmony.

What are chakras and torus?

Chakras have become popular over the recent years. The chakra system originated in India between 1500 and 500 BC. The word chakra means “wheel” or “disk” and refers to energy points in your body. The most commonly talked about chakras are 7 major energy points that align to your spine. They have numbers, names, colors, associated aliments, and are connected to specific areas of the spine corresponding with organs and nerve bundles.

Our bodies have another energy system called a torus. The torus is the fundamental form of balanced energy flow (think of it in the shape of a donut). The torus is also referred to as an aura, luminous energy field, astral body, or chi. Modern science has proven that all living things (even the universe) are designed with the torus.

Shamans can “see” or sense where energy might be stagnant, leaking, or not in optimum movement within these two energy systems that are attached to and around your physical body. Shamans believe our torus (or life force energy) is the driving force for our mental, emotional, and physical illness or health.

What is a power animal?

A core element of Shamanism is the guidance and wisdom of a guardian or protector animal spirit. The animal spirit can be for a person, family, place, culture, lineage, or nation. A familiar example of this would be the United States’ national animal, the bald eagle, representing bravery, strength, and freedom.

Power animals can appear in everyday physical life, dreams, visions, or meditations. Each person has at least one animal spirit over their lifetime, and usually several that come and change over time. These animals come to assist you with lessons you need to learn and/or provide expertise in something you need.

Shamanic practitioners do a power animal journey to help you connect and learn about your power animal and their gifts for you. Power animals can help you overcome challenges, learn more about yourself, and be a wonderful support for self-empowerment.

What is karma?

You’ve heard some of the following sayings:
• ”What comes around goes around.”
• “Your thoughts become things.”
• “Do to others what you would like done to you.”

Karma means each thought, word, or action a person takes in life (positive or negative) will affect them in the future. In other words, Karma is the footprints we leave as we walk through life and those footprints have a memory.

We all have had habits, patterns, and learning experiences that had us not behaving our best. An accumulation of energy can lead to repeated patterns that we may want to get rid of because they’re not serving us. Shamans know this is all stored in our energy field and can clear away those unwanted patterns and programs.

What is ancestral healing?

Ancestral healing is the process of unraveling and unwinding the stories, pain, tragedies, traumas, and grief from our ancestors. These ways of being are handed down to us through generations. Often times we are so accustomed to them that it is unconscious. Patterns of abuse, addiction, betrayal, financial status, oppression, poor health, and many more family wounds have debilitating emotions and beliefs that stop you from moving forward.

Doctors typically ask for family history of a number of illnesses or medical issues because these things run in families. It is well understood that this medical history can have an effect on our physical and mental health. The same goes for our belief systems on a number of other things.

Shamans clear the heavy energy and patterns, helping you to connect to your ancestors in a new way. This allows you to embrace their positive traits, love, and support, and rid the things that don’t serve you. It can heal family dysfunction, help you to reclaim your present power, and move forward to a future you desire.

What is a soul retrieval?

A soul retrieval is to reclaim a part of your energy that you were disconnected from due to trauma (physical or emotional), illness, or loss. In psychology they call this dissociation. Soul loss is the experience of losing touch with your vitality and diminishes your life force energy, which can lead to physical or emotional illness.

People who are experiencing soul loss often have the following symptoms:

• Fear or anxiety
• Memory loss
• Feeling of some type of loss
• Depression
• Insomnia
• Mental or physical fatigue with no medical explanation
• Self-control issues
• Feeling stuck
• Difficulty being present
• Addiction issues
• Prolonged grief
• Unhealthy relationships
• Out-of-body or near-death experience

Shamans journey on your behalf to “see” what originally caused the soul loss, retrieve this quantum of energy, restore the energy, and help you integrate it. Once restored there are feelings of being more solid in your body, grounded, energized, lightness and joy, mental clarity, renewed direction, empowerment, and overall wellbeing; a return to wholeness.