Kari Ashenwey; Shaman, Healer, Coach
Kari Ashenwey is an ancient wisdom practitioner and life coach with over a decade of experience in helping people just like you to heal and grow. Professionally trained in the ancient art of shamanic healing from renowned practitioners across the globe, Kari specializes in helping you to identify whatʼs holding you back from being the best version of yourself, so you can heal and step into your true power.
My Story
In 2003, I was called to learn about energy medicine. My journey landed me on a table of a shaman who practiced the healing ways of Andean Shamanism. I had an unstable family history, loved ones with drug addictions, self-destructive habits and behaviors of my own, a dysfunctional marriage, financial stresses, and more. I felt very confused and knew there were many areas in my life that were inviting the opportunity to heal. After my first session there was a sense of deep peace within me that I had finally arrived home. I discovered myself in a whole new way, and never looked back. I healed myself from a history of trauma and abuse to live a life that I love, full of passion and purpose. My own healing journey led me to pursue a career in providing this healing for others. It was too good not to share! Years of training and hundreds of clients later, it has been my honor to have assisted people on their own healing journeys.
My passion is to connect people to their heart center. It is from this place of center where your power and balance reside. Your heart center connects you to your higher self, the universe, your body, and the earth. Through accessing your heart center and learning to listen to your intuition, you then know what actions to take, words to speak, and how to live your best life. When you are in harmony with yourself, that doesnʼt mean that everything around you is in harmony, but that you have the ability to deal with everything you encounter in a balanced and peaceful way.
Love and Blessings, Kari

Teachers and Training
Alberto Villoldo PHD – Graduate of The Four Winds Society, Linda L. Fitch, Sandra Ingerman, Sobonfu Somee, Don Oscar Miro-Quesada, Gregg Braden, Curanderos in the Amazon and coast of Peru, Elders in the North American Indian Traditions, NLP teacher Michael Grinder, Terry Patten, Pat Heavren, Michael Stone, Stephen Thayer- Integrated Energy Therapy (IET), Omivos Therapeutics – Sound and Tuning Forks Therapy, Dr Herb Meyer-Pure Land Health Center.